Buttons Using CSS3 Css3Menu.com


Buttons Using CSS3 Css3Menu.com



Buttons Using CSS3 Css3Menu.com


Digital Image:


Phishtank can offer all your digital image needs from; Logo creation & development, CD/DVD cover design, brochure design to poster and flyer creation for advertisement and distribution.

Graphics and digital image play a big part in branding a product or company, working closely with clients Phishtank can produce and develop concept ideas around the clients needs offering full digital image solutions for any project.

Some examples of digital imagery by Phishtank:


Business Cards:



Corporate Identity Design:


Logo Design:


Corporate Promotions:


CD Cover Design:


Image Manipulation:


Image Animation:


Coming soon!



Photo Videos:

Photographs are an important part of our lives and represent memories, special occasions, holidays, Weddings and peoples lives through the years. Phishtank can bring these images or photo albums back to life presenting them within a video format.

Producing photo's in a video format allows the customer to capture there best memories edited together as a short film even combining video clips with there favorite songs or sound track overlay to playback time and time again. Ideal for playback at surprise party's, celebrations or anniversaries all customized for the clients needs.

Some examples of Photo Videos by Phishtank:


Ben & Jennifer Walker, Sorrento Italy 2007.
70th Birthday:
Helen Brady, 70 years from birth, where she grew up to the present day.
